In the Hot 100

Sarah Ho makes Professional Jeweller's Hot 100 again in 2016!
It’s not easy to come up with a ground-breaking idea when designing jewellery, let alone one that fits in with the biggest trend of the year. But Sarah Ho took this year’s trend and raised it nine notches with her Numerati collection — a range of rings numbered one to nine. Sarah describes it as her “most innovative and exciting collection to date”. The range took the designer two years to finish due to the intricacy of the designs, but every minute spent on Numerati was truly worth it.
Now, Sarah is using all her social media skills to make sure as many people see her Numerati range as possible. “This has been a new product launch strategy for us,” Sarah explains. “It has been a huge success for this collection and there is defi nitely more to come. The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving and there are new avenues out there to explore and take advantage of.” Sarah has also enjoyed huge achievements in Asia where she graced the cover of Hong Kong Tatler’s April issue and was invited to be the Diamond Sponsor for the Hong Kong Diamond Fund.
“I have always planned to take my brand home to Asia and now, as I move into my 10th year, the time is right. We are actively launching the brand in Hong Kong and Macau and working on opportunities to expand into other Asian markets.” In her spare time Sarah loves spending time at London bar and restaurant, sketch (where her picture was taken), and being with her family. “We always make sure we go away for a few days to spend quality family time together,” she says. “My husband and I run a beach club in Sardinia, so we love spending our time there in the summer.”